Spot in Salerno -
Good flatground, nobody kicks you out, rideable also at night. You can find stairs from 3 to 5, curb and bump.
From the station go to the underpass and go straight on. It's about 10 minutes by walk.
From the station go to the underpass and go straight on. It's about 10 minutes by walk.
Good flatground, get wax for the curbs, no skate at night (restaurant near the stairs)good in the early afternoon. You can find: 7 stairs with curb on the left side and 6 stairs with handrail on both sides.
From the station go to the seafront blv and go on pushing till the harbour (really good for warming up and enjoying nice sea and goodlooking girls). The rails are best skateable on late evening during the week or on early afternoon on weekends.
From the station go to the seafront blv and go on pushing till the harbour (really good for warming up and enjoying nice sea and goodlooking girls). The rails are best skateable on late evening during the week or on early afternoon on weekends.
Group of curbs and bank with good flatground, rideable in the early afternoon or at night, not good around 5 p.m.
Getting out from the train station go on through Vittorio Emanuele and ask for Malta square, once you're there keep walking the uphill, it's about 5 minutes afar from the station.
Getting out from the train station go on through Vittorio Emanuele and ask for Malta square, once you're there keep walking the uphill, it's about 5 minutes afar from the station.
Spot in provincia di Salerno -
This square is composed by 2 hubbas, the run up is not really good and the landing is a bit uncomfortable because of the curb. Skateable on afternoons to avoid people to kick you away. Better taking a broom with you.
Curbs located just outside the train station. This spot is not veryt good, just see the flatground and the banister that avoids some tricks. Don't go there if it rained the previous day because you would find puddles and mudd.
Gap in "Piazza Risorgimento": 3 big step with long and smooth run-in. Some times there are parked cars in front of the steps. Usually you can skate here without problems
Really nice wallride situated in front of a shop. This means you can't go there on daytime, it's better if you go there on sundays on the early afternoon.
Meeting point for local skaters. The flat is perfect but sometimes it can be dirty. We've got a flatbar that we hide to avoid kids to steal it. Not skateable on weekends because it's full of people but apart from that it is ok and well lightened on night time
SkateShop a Salerno e Provincia
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