Commenti ( 0 ) Pubblicata da Skatemap Giovedė 27.04.2000 alle 22:00:00
Apr. 28, 2000: Lausanne, Switzerland. > Grand Prix Skateboarding announces the third edition of its skateboard only contest to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 6-9 July 2000.The contest will bring top street and vert pros and spectators from allover the world for a summertime skate fest.The Grand Prix works closely with top skaters such as Kareem Campbell, Eric Koston, Bob Burnquist, Colin McKay, Chad Fernandez and Rick Howard to ensure that the quality of the street and vert setup satisfies the requirements of progressive skateboarding. Our goal is to offer the best setup for the best action to the skate community. The contest will have open street qualifications on Thursday, July 6 for all non-pro skaters everyone gets a chance! Located along beautiful Lake Geneva, the city of Lausanne has a very relaxed, skate-friendly atmosphere with many skate spots and the Lausanne skatepark with its famous bowl. There will be ramps setup up for public sessions throughout the contest, and the actual course will be open to the public for one week after the contest. There are a number of music festivals going on during the contest, and there will also be a special Grand Prix Nights program featuring live DJs and special guest performances. The contest is organized by Brazil Enterprises, and presented by Axion, Girl, World Industries, Bluetorch, and Map Cargo. There will be several oportunities to win free trips to see the action. Check for details. The Grand Prix is a WCS competition (check

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